Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Verizon Wireless Share Everything Plans

I once again hate cell phone companies. Today, Verizon Wireless Unveils New Share Everything Plans For Basic Phones, Smartphones, Tablets And More, which is a long winded way of saying that Verizon is about to charge everyone an arm and a leg for their wireless data plans while making the traditional phone costs almost a non-issue. A basic phone plan ends up costing only $40 for unlimited talk and texting. Where was this plan before I got my smartphone? Honestly, I am seriously considering dropping my smart phone plan from here on out and only using basic phones since they are finally getting everything for a respectable price. At the same time, data costs are going way up. For my current 2GB plan that costs me $30, I'll have to pay $60 under the new plan, with more and more costs as I continue to increase my data usage.

No thank you Verizon. I'll stick with paying way too much for my home internet. At least that internet connection isn't terrible all the time. Also, an iPod Touch is way cheaper than an iPhone, so I'll just go back to only having data at certain locations.

'via Blog this'