Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Why do website designers often feel the need to use flash to represent content that could easily be displayed using simple HTML and standard web technologies. Not all platforms support flash and I would much prefer to be able to view content that should be regularly viewable with a non-flash enabled browser (not to mention the fact that I disable flash by default on all my browsers). Don't get me wrong, Macromedia (now Adobe) did add rich capabilities to the web by introducing Flash and Shockwave, but that functionality is specialized and should have no place in displaying images and text when that is the principle content.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I have been contemplating an appropriate way to address my feelings regarding an issue that has been on my mind lately. I really can't come up with one. I keep yelling in my mind but that really doesn't seem to translate to written words well right now. So just imagine the following statement reflects a high amount of mind-yelling: Text messages should be free since they cost cell phone providers almost nothing and the work-arounds that must be used to make them free are more costly to these companies.